Friday, September 26, 2008

Frugality At The Mall-With A Toddler!

You would think that going to a mall would be expense. Well, it can be if you're going to do some shopping on your own and without anyone else. Think toddler!

At my mall, I have found ways to make the mall experience inexpensive and still have a good time while doing so with a toddler in tow. If you have a small child here are some ideas for you and your little one to do at the mall that won't cost you a dime!

Inside the mall there is a play area where kids (usually of the smaller type) can play on various objects such as animals, slides, blocks, etc. While watching the children play and getting their energy out of their little systems, the parents can sit back and relax. It also is helpful to go there with the idea of "wearing them out" just before nap time.

You can taste a sample of a restaurant's food in the food court. They are usually standing by their restaurant enticing people to eat at their restaurant with their tidbits of food. Just go around to each of the restaurants you like, graciously accept the samples and fill up! Never having to buy anything if you don't want.

Then it's off to dessert time. Inside a See's Candy shop, they always have a free sample of mouth-watering chocolates to choose from. Just ask them for a sample. I am usually satisfied with this small bit of chocolate-free, although the aroma makes me want more. Children always want candy too. It's a win-win situation.

And lastly, usually at night, there is a band, a clown presentation, a school group, etc. playing in the courtyard outside that you can listen to for free. Though after the play area, we don't make it to the evening presentations. The toddler I'm with is ready for nap... And so am I!


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