Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Summer Calm Before the Storm

It all started with "Mom, what are you doing tomorrow?". I replied "well, not much, just the usual Saturday stuff". When she asks that question, I know that's my que for me to bolt down the house 'cause my 2 year old grandson will be coming over. Although he is as adorable as can be, he also can be quite a handful! So I proceed to take a deep breath and relax before my daughter and her son arrive. I have approximately 1 hour to do so as they live 1 hour away. The house is picked up and in order like a "calm before the storm". After they finally arrive, I do my usual grandmotherly stuff like hug him, kiss him, give more hugs and kisses, kiss, kiss, and kiss him some more. After our greetings, things start to unravel. DVD's are strewn about waiting to be watched, toys from the toy box seem to somehow crawl out and make their way around the room, and the cat, well, she nervously watches the whole thing from a distance. Then there are the computer programs that he likes to watch and interact with. After the boredom of all the visual viewing he does tends to wear down, there is also activities to be done outside on the backyard porch. These include water play with the hose, sliding down a slide, and a sandbox to build castles in. Then there are fun snacks to eat: Popsicles, summer fruits, and PB & J's. A game I came up with today is called "Fruit Punch". As crazy as this sounds, is has nothing to with a drink. I told my grandson to roll a ball on the floor to me and said to "punch the ball, like fruit punch". He could relate well to that type of drink. Well, he now thinks that is the most funnest game to play on the floor with a ball. It's one game he'll remember, the name that is. After spending all day with my grandson and his mom, it's sure a relief to hear my daughter announce that it's "time to go home now". Although I love having him over, the tornadic trail left behind means little in comparison to the love I have for that little boy.

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