Thursday, June 26, 2008

Simplicity Summer Shake

Well, another day has gone by, busy at my computer screen, mind you, most the day! Living alone(for the last year-long story) has made me come up with some creative and simple solutions to dinner, especially since the hot weather is here. This is a fast, cold, and easy way to incorporate fresh fruits that are in abundance during the summer. So tonight I have found a recipe that I have "tweeked" just a bit (mostly due to lack of ingredients) so that I can have a healthy, quick "meal-in-a-glass". Ahhhhh!! This is very refreshing!!


1 1/2 c. of water (or juice of any kind)
2-3 c. fresh or frozen fruit(s)
1 banana (best if frozen ahead of time)
handful of raw almonds (if you like a "nutty" flavor)
1-2 scoops of protein power or any other milk power
1-2 c. ice (if fruit is fresh)
1 tsp. of any of the following:

sesame seeds (calcium)
flax seeds (use the ground kind-good for Omega 3)
bee pollen (high in minerals)
ginseng granules (nutritional balance)

In a blender, blend all the ingredients together for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Below are other fruit combinations that you can use for the 2-3 c. fruit that are called for in the recipe:

apricot and apple
strawberry and raspberry
blueberry and peach
cantaloupe and coconut
papaya and pineapple
pineapple and coconut

If these combinations don't sound good, create your own!

1 comment:

Mary said...

That sounds good!