Sunday, June 29, 2008

Keepers of the Flame

I was sitting in church today listening to the various speakers about the topic of families. Now I don't know about you, but I've heard some of these comments hundreds of times. So I will make a list of a few things I heard today to share with you. Some of us may need a little reminding.

1. Make time for your family

2. Making time is verb. It's an action word.

3. Establish a pattern to put your family first.

How you make time is just schedule it. Schedule it on your calendars so nothing else can take you away from this important time. For instance, make 1 night a week a priority with your family. Go to a movie together, play board games, or just sit and talk with each other. These are of course just a few examples of what you can do as a family. The action word here is schedule. When you establish a certain night for family time, you have created a pattern. We as parents are responsible for this decision to put our families first. And just as the Olympic torch is touched by one person at a time, we also can touch the lives of each individual in our families by making time with them. We are the "keepers of the flame".

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