Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Freebies: Week of October 27th, 2008
Halloween Scapbooking Pages:
Here are some freebies courtesy of DigiFree that would delight any ghoul-get it? Check out their website for more free scrapbooking downloads. Here is just a sampling.
Scare up a free meal!
On October 31st, participating Ryan’s and Old County Buffets will be giving kids in costume a free meal (up to two free kids meals per adult). If you live near a County Buffet or a Hometown Buffet, I would call and see if they are participating since these buffets usually run the same promotions.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Shred Fest!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
3 Things That Need To Be Done Before Moving
Pack up the small stuff ahead of time. I started moving the small stuff out of the house way back when I originally moved out. My situation was different though and that helped a whole lot! This would include extra linens, books, etc. Leave the bigger items to be moved out such as beds, dressers, etc. at a later date, the day you actually need to sleep in your new house. Get your drawers and closets cleaned out so that nothing is left behind. I've left "stuff" before in closets that I thought I cleaned out.
Rent a truck, hire some help, or do it yourself. I don't always advocate renting a truck or hiring help but at this juncture of my move, but that may be a possibility this time around. It seems that everyone is busy that I normally could count on. So that means other means. I can't believe that a 30 day time frame has almost come and gone! Maybe I will have to consider renting that truck. Does it come with helpers?
Clean for the next tenants. This may be obvious but I've actually moved into a place before that wasn't ready for us to move in. It was gross! When I moved into another house, not only did I have to clean after the previous owners, but after moving in, I felt like I needed to clean again after we moved in. That was not efficient to say the least. Save this job for the very last, after everything has been moved out.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Freebies: Week of October 6th, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Family That Paintball's Together...
We've all heard the saying, "The family that plays together, stays together". This also applies to the game of Paintball. While I'm not one for the actual sport of Paintball, I have heard quite a few stories about the games my son and husband have played against others in their group. Here's a shot of my son and husband after a game. I bet you couldn't tell that huh?
Some of the group have included cousins, uncles, and brothers in which they have a great time shooting at each other. Here's a picture of one of the cousin's.
When the "group" gets together, it is usually up in a wooded area. Easier to hide I'm guessing. So here's a picture of a beautiful wooded area in northern Arizona. I would go just to take in the beauty of the forest, but a Paintball game is usually when the guys get together.
It's a wonderful time for family to get together doing an activity that they enjoy. Next time they go, I'm supposed to be taking the pictures. I hope there will be a tree or two wide enough to hide behind so I won't get hit!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
October Conference
For the next two days, Saturday and Sunday, is is about listening to the LDS General Conference in which we get to be inspired, uplifted, and most of all learn as the General Authorities of our church speak to us about important topics. This conference is held in Salt Lake City, Utah in which anyone can watch this via the BYU Channel on television or the internet, or one of the local channels of your television anywhere in the world. This is the activity in which I will be choosing this weekend.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
3 Weird Foods I Like To Eat
When it comes to eating food, there are some strange and interesting food combinations that I rather like. For some reason, these certain combinations taste really good to me. Now don't get grossed out when I tell you what I like to eat together:
Cottage Cheese and potato chips
Now with eating this combination I just use the potato chips in place of the spoon. Weird huh? Yeah, I know. Try it though, you may change your mind.
Apples and peanut butter
This is a really good and somewhat healthy snack. So maybe it's not that strange to some people but it's not what I eat all the time. Sometimes I just have this craving for something healthy...the apple, and something salty...the peanut butter.
Cantaloupe and ice cream
And not just any ice cream. It has to be a scoop of Breyer's Natural Vanilla-the one with the whole vanilla bean thing going for it. I got hooked on this funky combination by a family member. Let's just say they are a bit strange anyway.
See, I told you they were weird. I don't have any pictures for this post mainly so that your imagination can run with it. Just for curiosity's sake, I bet you that you too will try any one of these too. Go ahead, I dare you!